Thursday, July 13, 2017

Koh Phi Phi

Thursday, July 13, 2017
Koh Phi Phi
An early morning gets us in the air at 8:00 am and we arrive in Phuket at 9:30, and a taxi ride and onto the ferry for Koh Phi Phi at 11 am.  The taxi van looked surprisingly like a car again, but we all fit it.  The driver wanted to get us to the ferry in time, but I slowed him down as no one in the back had a seatbelt and driving 120 in a 50 was even more than I was interested in.  Koh Phi Phi is kind of what we remembered, but much newer.  The Tsunami allowed them to rebuild, which is unfortunate as it took away the small island charm.  It is now a very busy tourist centre.  A walk around town to get reorientated before we get hit by some heavy rains.  Luke is still feverish, so we still need to figure a plan of action for him.  Evidently the fear of returning to the Saint Louis is gone now that we are 900 km away from it.

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